Pima Lung & Sleep provides the following infographics to educate you about the results and benefits of quitting smoking.

What Happens When A Smoker Quits

What Happens When A Smoker Quits

How Quitting Helps Your Health

Your health will improve no matter when you quit. Your body begins to heal within minutes after you stop smoking. The longer you are free from tobacco smoke, the healthier you will become. You will live up ot 10 years longer than if you continued to use tobacco.
Hover over a number to enlarge text.

Money in the Bank Rewards

You will save a lot of money when you quit. Cigarettes cost as much as $11.00
a pack. Think of all the money you can save by not buying cigarettes!

Money in the Bank Rewards

When Smokers Quit

Match the answer to the timeframe. Hover over an octagon to see the correct effect.

Withdrawal Symptoms and Coping Techniques

The following graphic will help you use coping techniques to combat common withdrawal symptoms.

Withdrawal Symptoms and Coping Techniques

What is Stopping You From Quitting?

Which of the following excuses are often given for not quitting smoking?

What is Stopping You From Quitting?

Chronic Conditions and How Quitting Helps

If you have any of these conditions, quitting smoking can help.

Chronic Conditions and How Quitting Helps

Vaping/Nicotine Withdrawl Timeline

From the beginning to one week in!

Vaping/Nicotine Withdrawl Timeline